Metrics Exporter

SkyWalking provides the essential functions of metrics aggregation, alarm, and analysis. In the real world, many may want to forward their data to a 3rd party system for an in-depth analysis or otherwise. Metrics Exporter has made that possible.

Metrics exporter is an independent module that has to be manually activated.

Right now, we provide the following exporters:

  1. gRPC exporter

gRPC exporter

gRPC exporter uses SkyWalking’s native exporter service definition. Here is the proto definition.

service MetricExportService {
    rpc export (stream ExportMetricValue) returns (ExportResponse) {

    rpc subscription (SubscriptionReq) returns (SubscriptionsResp) {

message ExportMetricValue {
    string metricName = 1;
    string entityName = 2;
    string entityId = 3;
    ValueType type = 4;
    int64 timeBucket = 5;
    int64 longValue = 6;
    double doubleValue = 7;
    repeated int64 longValues = 8;

message SubscriptionsResp {
    repeated SubscriptionMetric metrics = 1;

message SubscriptionMetric {
    string metricName = 1;
    EventType eventType = 2;

enum ValueType {
    LONG = 0;
    DOUBLE = 1;
    MULTI_LONG = 2;

enum EventType {
    // The metrics aggregated in this bulk, not include the existing persistent data.
    INCREMENT = 0;
    // Final result of the metrics at this moment.
    TOTAL = 1;

message SubscriptionReq {


message ExportResponse {

To activate the exporter, you should add this into your application.yml

    targetPort: 9870
  • targetHost:targetPort is the expected target service address. You could set any gRPC server to receive the data.
  • Target gRPC service needs to go on standby; otherwise, the OAP startup may fail.

Target exporter service

Subscription implementation

Return the expected metrics name list with event type (incremental or total). All names must match the OAL/MAL script definition. Return empty list, if you want to export all metrics in the incremental event type.

Export implementation

Stream service. All subscribed metrics will be sent here based on the OAP core schedule. Also, if the OAP is deployed as cluster, this method will be called concurrently. For metrics value, you need to follow #type to choose #longValue or #doubleValue.