Dynamic Configuration Etcd Implementation

Etcd is also supported as a Dynamic Configuration Center (DCC). To use it, please configure it as follows:

  selector: ${SW_CONFIGURATION:etcd}
    period: ${SW_CONFIG_ETCD_PERIOD:60} # Unit seconds, sync period. Default fetch every 60 seconds.
    endpoints: ${SW_CONFIG_ETCD_ENDPOINTS:http://localhost:2379}
    namespace: ${SW_CONFIG_ETCD_NAMESPACE:/skywalking}
    authentication: ${SW_CONFIG_ETCD_AUTHENTICATION:false}
    user: ${SW_CONFIG_ETCD_USER:}
    password: ${SW_CONFIG_ETCD_password:}

NOTE: Since 8.7.0, only the v3 protocol is supported.

Config Storage

Single Config

Single configs in etcd are key/value pairs:

Key Value
{namespace}/configKey configVaule

e.g. The config is:


If namespace = /skywalking the config in etcd is:

Key Value
/skywalking/agent-analyzer.default.slowDBAccessThreshold default:200,mongodb:50

Group Config

Group config in etcd are key/value pairs as well, and the key is composited by configKey and subItemKey with /.

Key Value
{namespace}/configKey/subItemkey1 subItemValue1
{namespace}/configKey/subItemkey2 subItemValue2

e.g. The config is:

{core.default.endpoint-name-grouping-openapi}:|{customerAPI-v1}:{value of customerAPI-v1}
                                              |{productAPI-v1}:{value of productAPI-v1}
                                              |{productAPI-v2}:{value of productAPI-v2}

If namespace = /skywalking the config in etcd is:

Key Value
/skywalking/core.default.endpoint-name-grouping-openapi/customerAPI-v1 value of customerAPI-v1
/skywalking/core.default.endpoint-name-grouping-openapi/productAPI-v1 value of productAPI-v1
/skywalking/core.default.endpoint-name-grouping-openapi/productAPI-v2 value of productAPI-v2